Citation - Boston Gazette: 1783.03.17

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Index Entry Here night & Day conspire a coz'ning flight [fl] 
Location Boston 
17 Mar 1783:41 (1490)
From a London Magazine.  Upon one Mr. Day, at the Sign of
the Horse-Shoe, who laide the key under the door, and
out-ran, or rather ran out his landlord.
Here night & Day conspire aa coz'ning flight,
For Day (they say) is run away by night.
The Day is past, why, landlord, where's your rent ? 
You might have seen the Day was almost spent.
. . . [1/2 col in all]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1783.03.17 
Publisher Edes, Benjamin, and Sons 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0006913
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